Slumdog Millionaire has been in theatres for several weeks already, but if you haven’t had a chance to check it out, now’s the time to do so. It is a spectacular film that may get overshadowed by the other powerhouse films of recent weeks, but is one of the absolute best movies of the year, nonetheless.
Slumdog is the story of a young man, Jamal (Dev Patel), who becomes a contestant on the Indian version of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.” Jamal does better than any other contestant ever has, but this is where his trouble begins. When no one believes that it is possible for a poor “slumdog” with no formal education to know all of the answers, he is accused of cheating and thrown in jail. To prove his innocence, Jamal reveals the stories from his past that explain how he knew each answer. He brings the officers and the audience through flashbacks, telling stories of his brother, Salim, his long-lost childhood sweetheart, Latika (Freida Pinto), and the hardships of orphaned children living on India’s streets. Even though the film has all the makings of a love story, it is essentially about family – the family we lose, the family we have, and the family we create.

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