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Read some entertaining articles from some of Flair TV's contributing writers. These talented individuals will bring you articles covering: Entertainment, Technology, Relationships, Travel, Reviews and much more.


Chad Hunter: is a freelance writer and author. He has been a contributor to Demand Sudios, and additional publications.

Yari: is a writer and student journalist using her pen and keyboard for change

Alisa Perocevic: is a broadcast journalism major at Columbia College striving to be an international reporter/broadcaster.

Margaret Lang: is a journalist from the Midwest following her passion of investigative and documentary journalism.

Ursula Fitzpatrick is a creative force of the written word, voiceovers, and theatre managment

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Silly Boys

Let's take a second and think back to the craziest things ex-boyfriends have ever said. Bet I can top them all with my list of 10. Laugh it up and feel free to challenge them ladies!

  1. I have no gas or money to come see you, again.
  2. Do you trust me when I tell you of my where abouts if I'm texting instead of talking on the phone?
  3. Have you pictured me with another woman yet?
  4. Even though we're together, I still feel like I'm single.
  5. I have the same feelings for you and my ex.
  6. What would you do or say if I check out another woman in front of you?
  7. I haven't cheated on you, yet.
  8. Is your mom available?
  9. I don't want a wife. I want a maid.
  10. I got with you so you can cook, clean and make love to me.

By: Olivia N. Castaneda

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Show from Chicago's Fashion Week

If you blinked at Thursday night's Fashion Focus Chicago 2010 fashion show, then you probably missed all the stomping catwalk action from the local, top student designers from the city. The show was held in a heated tent located at Millenium Park, and was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Personally knowing the chaotic madness that goes on backstage with hair, makeup and last minute designer issues, it was no surprise to see the spotlight shine on cue 10 minutes behind schedule. Definitely worth the wait I must say.

The top 24 design students of Columbia College Chicago, The Illinois Institue of Art- Chicago, The International Academy of Design and Technology- Chicago and the School of The Art Institute of Chicago displayed their talented fashion creativity in 40 minutes. The winner of the Chicago History Museum's FashionNext Generation competition was Brenda Beavers of The Illinois Insitute of Art- Chicago.

Here is Beavers walking in the finale with a model sporting her look. Beavers designed head ornaments that were placed to either the upper left or right side of the hair. The materials used looked like polyester and net assembled together to form an abstract flower shape. The models wore light gold champaign-colored, spaghetti strap and halter top dresses of what looks like rayon material, that hugged the upper body with the hemline grazing above the thigh.

Overall, half of the designs looked ready-to-wear, while some of the other creations simply brought amusement to the crowd's faces. Though, it is the amusing attire which seems to stick in my mind more than the wearable outfits. What stood out the most as far as amusing was by student designer Claudia Macias from the Illinois Institute of Art- Chicago. Her theme looked street inspired. The models walked barefoot and wore very grungy and dirty looking attire. A model wore a square-block strapless top made of newspapers and another model wore a brown wool, off-the-shoulder top with a skirt made of the red inked THANK YOU plastic bags. Michael Schellenbach, also from the same school as Macias, sent out a male model who carefully and skillfully walked down the runway wearing an army green jumpsuit with the pant leg connected to the shoes. This was the best part. The sole of the shoe was the rounded part to an inflated car tire. Alexandre Chandoa of the International Academy of Design and Technology created very unwearable oufits. His designs looked inspired from wooden barrels. Three models sported wooden boards as a top and an angled skirt.

But the rest of the show displayed wearable clothes that shadows exactly what is in for this fall season and past inspirations from the 90s. Velvet made a come back and an essence of Alexander McQueen's 1995 Highland Rape show was demonstrated by a shredded men's suit and women's dress by Katie King of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In general though, lots of silk chiffon was used for dresses in lilac reaching knee-length and formal lengths, there was also lots of wool fabrics mixed in with leather; nothing we haven't already seen fom international designers that have been previewed in the August and September issues of Allure and Vogue magazines.

Photos and story by: Olivia N. Castaneda

Thursday, October 21, 2010

HCG Controversial Diet

The new controversial diet HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), is a hormone naturally produced in the placenta by pregnant women. The diet calls for you to inject yourself or take diet drops that contain a hormone that causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that you can use it.

For the first two days of the diet you are told to consume as much sweets and carbs as possible, then after that you can only eat 500 calories a day for a month, where you are expected to lose one to two pounds per day.

Before researching this diet I was very skeptical, but now I can say that the diet seems safe, although there are always risks associated with rapid weight loss. While recently finding out that my best friends mom has had complete success with the diet, I was curious to find out what others had to say.

After reading many health blogs and health reviews, many people are feeling better and losing weight after trying the diet. At the same time the hormone is mobilizing your stored fat, it is also burning 3,00 to 4,500 calories a day. The injections are a bit pricier than the drops costing $700 while the drops cost only $149. Talk to your doctor about whether this diet is right for you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

T.I. saves a life

Rapper T.I. also known as Clifford Harris lends a helping hand to a vulnerable man who threatened to jump off a 22- story building in Atlanta. When T.I. heard word of this on the city's radio show he rushed over to help, and try to talk this man out of committing suicide.

T.I. knows all too well about the struggles of life with his recent drug suspicion charges last month, and gave the man some words of advice. "No matter what's going on in your life things will get better if you allow them to," said T.I..

Life can be very difficult at times, and I think what T.I. did was very brave and admirable. Celebrities are often idealized as people who have more say so than an average person, but T.I. proved that he was just like anyone else who was helping someone in need.

With our busy lives people often forget the simplest things and that is to help someone who is struggling and just needs a helping hand. There have been many suicides in recent months of people who were victims of bullying because of the way they looked, dressed or acted. If you see someone who needs your help, don't hesitate to give them a couple minutes out of your life, because it could save their life.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lotioning and Oiling

Whenever I walk into a drug store, I always gravitate towards the aisle with the oceans of lotions bottled up by numerous brands. I don't just see lotion products for sale, but mystical potions just waiting to be slathered on to quench dry skin from the cold wind's beating. Though I hesitate to purchase a different lotion that I normally use, due to an itchy, allergic experience I once had with Olay's Quench Daily Lotion Plus Shimmer.

My secret potion for keeping my skin silky smooth and supple through the fall and winter months is a mixture of Jergens Ultra Healing body lotion and Desert Essence 100% Pure Jojoba Oil from Trader Joe's grocery stores.

Ladies, what's your secret potion? Do tell us...

Image and Story by: Olivia N. Castaneda

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Horrific Medical Experiment Uncovered

Nearly six decades after the medical experiment began, shocking results have been found. The U.S. just released a formal apology for purposely infecting hundreds of unwilling Guatemalans with syphilis and gonorrhea between 1946 and 1948.

The medical experiment was conducted to report the effects of the diseases and how it affects humans. In total 696 men and women were affected through intercourse with prostitutes where the disease was put on their arms, face and penises. Guatemalan prisoners, mental health patients and soldiers were used in the experiment. Questions arise to how many people knew they were being conducted in a study of these two diseases.

If you aren't aware of these diseases here is a quick overview of what can happen if left untreated. After becoming infected by syphilis there is a period of between 9 to 90 days where there aren't any symptoms. Then the primary stage occurs where you get a canker sore on various parts of your genital areas. If left untreated it may move into a rash where you feel weak and tired. During the final stage it begins to infect the organs which may include non healing skin ulcers, bone pain, liver disease and anemia.

And not only were these Guatemalans infected with a very harmful disease, but were purposely infected with another disease that is formally known as gonorrhea. The incubation period where gonorrhea starts affecting a person is one to 14 days. The health effects of gonorrhea occur differently in men and women. In women if left untreated can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy and pelvic pain. In men it can cause painful inflammation of the testicles which may result in infertility.

Its wrong that these scientists and doctors got away with this for so long. To treat a race of people like lab rats is utterly and morbidly wrong to say the least. Guatemalans during that time were looked at to be at the lower end of the race scale as being closer to animals than humans. To be purposely infected with two very dangerous diseases is inhumane. If you are a part of something that involves potentially harming someones health or harming them in general think for a second if that were to be done to you or someone in your family.