I don't know if it was the brilliant writing or the clever choice of characters used to carry the plot. The combination of the two were critical to this show's success and huge fan following.
Chloe was by far one of my favorite.

It took some getting used to her little personality disorder, but she developed into a wonderful character. I will definitely miss her quirky inability to manage a smile beyond a reluctant scowl.
Then there was president Taylor.

Her grace and integrity were endearing and even at the end where she strayed for a few episodes, she redeemed herself; that was truly a relief to me. Next to President Palmer of earlier seasons, she was my favorite.
And who can forget Dana Walsh? She was quite the surprise. There is always a mole in CTU , but this is one I didn't see coming. True to 24 tradition, we discovered what was going on without any previous hint that this was coming.

Then again, the plots within the plot kept the action fresh and moving each and every episode. There was never a dull moment. Ironically, this could have become a monotonous and predictable aspect to 24, leaving the audience to expect a twist around every corner, but even that didn't happen.
And I know I'm not alone when I say that I hated seeing that clock tick right before a commercial break because I knew that time was literally running out. So when those final few seconds passed before the end of an episode, I was left with my jaw on the floor or my hands holding my head as I yelled, "Oh My God!!!"
But it was this last episode where time was so precious. I knew that I had only 2 hours left before that final countdown ticked away for the last time.
And 24 would not be what it was without Jack Bauer. Precious Jack who couldn't avoid trouble if he died trying, was the perfect lead character.

Yes, he was always in a bind, going rogue, being tortured, running from the law, taking matters into his own hands, and not once did I grow tired of that. Not once did I ever think he was wrong, everything he did somehow seemed justified, regardless of how horrific.

I doubt that 24 would be the success it was if Keifer Sutherland didn't give his all to every mission, and it is him I will miss the most.
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