I wrote a blog a little while ago, well over a year ago, about the deaths of two young men: Andrew Cazares, 23,and Fausto Manzera, 21, photos below.
They died on Friday, April 10, 2009 because a Chicago police detective was driving drunk. I'll say it again. A Chicago police detective was driving
drunk, his name, Joseph Frugoli. His blood alcohol content was more than three times the legal limit, yet he was behind the wheel of his Lexus SUV. Cazares, above, had pulled his Dodge Intrepid over to the side of the southbound Dan Ryan to wait for help for a possible flat tire.
At approximately 3:30 a.m., Frugoli, driving 60 to 65 m.p.h. - which was above the speed limit - slammed into the Dodge shooting it forward and causing it to burst into flames. Frugoli tried to leave the scene - the scene where these two innocent young men were left behind to burn to death in a heap of crumpled metal. Because of Detective Frugoli. Plain and simple.
So this isn't new. We know about the case all too well; we know that shortly after the accident Frugloi was released on $500,000 bond. But we also know that had the roles been reversed, you know, if say two cops were in that Dodge and a drunk civilian had crashed into them as they innocently sat at the side of the road waiting for help thus causing their car to go up in flames and killing the two men in blue, the outcome would be different.
The only thing new about this blog is this. I am tired of police officers getting slapped on the wrist and I want to do more than just write about it. In 1990, this same Frugoli was driving 80 m.p.h. in a 50 m.p.h. zone; in 2008, he ignored a stop sign. Both those tickets were thrown out, per court records. In 2005, Frugoli crashed into a 61-year-old man's car on the Dan Ryan, was cited with failure to reduce speed, but that ticket was also dropped.
Why? That is what I need to know. Why are his tickets being thrown out, only allowing him to get behind the wheel AGAIN and cause more hurt and despair? Why would a civilian with those recurring charges already be behind bars? Why are they not held to the same laws that we are?
I want
US, just simple people to start making our voices heard. Get a petition started; boycott work; march silently in front of police stations; wear t-shirts that demand that cops stop killing and getting away with it.
I don't know where I will begin, but I am starting with this blog, and I will begin some sort of action, and when I do, I will let you know what it is. Enough is enough!! I won't be bullied into silence.
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