Forewarned is forearmed so take these steps to heart and keep the green eyed monster at bay.
Take a step back - Jealousy ramps negativity and anger up quickly. By the time we're at this point, we are already beyond sound thinking and judgment. Take a breather when you feel your body tense up, your lungs breathing heavy and your heart pounding at the thoughts of your lover laughing, touching and taking phone numbers from someone else.
Talk with a friend - Having a friend to talk to can give you and outside view. A good friend will have no issues telling you that you are way off if jealousy is making you see things. Also talking out your feelings will help deflate some of the energy revving them up and beyond control.
Express your feelings - Tell your partner how you feel. If you have fears that they'll leave you, cheat on you, find someone else, they need to know that these doubts and insecurities are running you. Expressing your feelings to your partner will also help break down those walls that keep you and jealousy up talking all day and all night.
Look at your own past- Most people who suffer from jealousy now have been dealing with it their entire life. Maybe it was your parents' divorce, maybe it's a sense of abandonment or maybe your previous girlfriend or boyfriend ran around on you. Whatever it is, look at your past for the roots of your inner aching.
Set boundaries - Usually the feelings that your partner is flirting or you beloved is laughing too hard at someone's jokes is because there are no boundaries. You and your partner should have clear understandings about eating and drinking with others, physical contact and what activities with other people are and are not acceptable.
End the end, jealousy can always find a crack in the relationship where it can set root. But like any weed, it can be pulled for better and healthier growth.
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