Robert Smith of Manchester, N.H. apparently wasn't satisfied with the services he expected to be, well, rendered, so to speak. So he wanted to lodge a complaint. The problem is that accepting these rendered "services" is in itself illegal, and he practically shot himself in the foot.

It goes without saying, but maybe it should be outlined in black and white, so here it is. As a general rule of thumb, don't call the cops to report that something illegal has happened to you while you were doing something illegal yourself. (Not that we are encouraging you to successfully do anything illegal, let's be clear.) But ,if you find yourself on the wrong side of the law and then the wrong side of the law were to happen to you, don't you think it's fair to say that you've made your bed so you should lie in it?
Smith was certainly hoping to lie in a bed Sunday night, but, oh well, that ship has sailed.
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