The Economy. It's the topic on everyone's lips, or at least in everyone's minds. There's a little bit of plastic that could help alleviate some of the financial stress, especially in the post-holiday season where those holiday bills are pouring in. Gift cards. Yep, gift cards. You may feel that the person who bestowed the just-like-cash present upon you is simply asking you to buy your own present, but don't underestimate the power in that little lazy gesture. In this tough economy, they can really come in handy. Here's how to squeeze every little bit out of your gift cards:
1. KEEP IT IN A SAFE PLACE: Put them in the same place you would keep your credit cards, or put them in a designated place for just gift cards.
2. MAKE THE MOST OF THE VALUE: Even though it's a gift card, still use it on discounted items, thus maximizing your use of the balance.

3. USE ALL OF IT!!!: Spending beyond the value of the card ensures that you use the card to its fullest. Remember, even if it's just three dollars on the gift card, it's three dollars that aren't coming out of your pocket!!!
4. USE IT WISELY: Plan ahead of time which items you want to purchase. Don't waste it on items you probably wouldn't have bought any way especially in this economic downturn.

5. SHARE WITH FRIENDS: If you don't like your gift cards, then simply swap with friends. CardHub.com has a feature that allows users to pick their favorite stores so their friends can know what gift cards they'd like.
6. KEEP ON GIVING: Finally, if you get a card before the holidays or special occasion, you can always re-gift your card to someone else, or use the card to actually buy a gift for a loved one.

So, the holidays might be over, but that doesn't mean that you can't still enjoy the bounties of the season. Whip out your gift card, and keep on giving!!
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