More About Our Blog and Writers
Read some entertaining articles from some of Flair TV's contributing writers. These talented individuals will bring you articles covering: Entertainment, Technology, Relationships, Travel, Reviews and much more.
Chad Hunter: is a freelance writer and author. He has been a contributor to Demand Sudios, and additional publications.
Yari: is a writer and student journalist using her pen and keyboard for change
Alisa Perocevic: is a broadcast journalism major at Columbia College striving to be an international reporter/broadcaster.
Margaret Lang: is a journalist from the Midwest following her passion of investigative and documentary journalism.
Ursula Fitzpatrick is a creative force of the written word, voiceovers, and theatre managment
Read some entertaining articles from some of Flair TV's contributing writers. These talented individuals will bring you articles covering: Entertainment, Technology, Relationships, Travel, Reviews and much more.
Chad Hunter: is a freelance writer and author. He has been a contributor to Demand Sudios, and additional publications.
Yari: is a writer and student journalist using her pen and keyboard for change
Alisa Perocevic: is a broadcast journalism major at Columbia College striving to be an international reporter/broadcaster.
Margaret Lang: is a journalist from the Midwest following her passion of investigative and documentary journalism.
Ursula Fitzpatrick is a creative force of the written word, voiceovers, and theatre managment
Friday, July 15, 2011
A Shark, a Duck and a Lake Monster
Everything goes terribly wrong on an Australian morning newscast. Australia's version of the "Today" show is taking the meaning of lake monster to a whole new level. We have all seen the mishaps of Hoda and Kathie Lee on the Today Show, but now anchors on the Today show in Australia are embracing an awkward situation.
The story starts out as a report about a possible shark sighting in Evandale Lake, in the coastal city of Gold Coast. Anchor Karl Stefanovic undercuts the seriousness of the report by breaking into a laugh, which continues through the entire story as everything seemingly goes wrong. Paul Burt who is reporting live at Evandale Lake casts a fishing line into the lake to tempt the shark, but catches another lake resident, which happens to be a duck.
What started out as a serious story on a possible shark sighting turned into nothing but an awkward situation. It may not be broadcast journalism at its best, but with all of the negative things going on in the media, it's something to laugh at.
evandale lake,
gold coast,
lake monster
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Reasons Why You Need A Vacation

Stress among adults and teens has raised concerns for many health officials in last decade. Living in a technological world, where the media is constantly in our face on a 24/7 basis can increase our stress levels dramatically. According to a poll done on 1500 American adults in 2009, approximately half of them said they didn't use up all of their vacation days because of being a workaholic.
You may be wondering where am I going to get the money for a vacation, or how I am I going to find the time? Begin by saving up a little money at a time, and let your boss know early. Demand for a vacation don't ask.
A State University of New York survey found that men who took annual vacations reduced their risk of death by 20 percent, and men who didn't take any vacations in five years had the highest death rate, and risk of heart

Taking a vacation is good for the body, mind and the soul. It's a way to step back from your daily routines, and be able to relax, and look at life from a outsiders perspective. Also, detatching yourself from a regular environment can give you a new outlook on life, and boost your creative thinking. Have you ever heard the phrase "I just need to get away." Just getting away from where you live is really important, because detaching yourself from your home, and going to a different location creates excitement from discovering unknown territory. Not only is a vacation good for the body, mind and the soul but it is good to revamp relationships as well. It's a way to reconnect and revitalize relationships with your .
If this hasn't convinced you to take a vacation, I don't know what will. So start planning, and give yourself the vacation you deserve.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Taking the mind and body

According to CNN, 5.4 million people suffer from Alzheimer's in the United States, and is the sixth leading cause of death. The Alzheimer's Association states that by the middle of the century 16 million people will be diagnosed with this condition.
When my grandma was detected with having Alzheimer's six years ago, she didn't want to believe that she had the disease. She was known throughout the family as having the best memory. As the years went on she began to forget more and more. She no longer recognized or remembered where she lived or who her own family was.
Anyone who is familiar with Alzheimer's knows that there are three different stages to the disease. The first stage is preclinical, and for research purposes only to find out if patients have Alzheimer's even when they don't have any cognitive or memory problems. The second stage is mild cognitive impairment where someone may show small signs in their behavior and memory. If you are diagnosed in this stage it is just prolonging the cycle the disease will take. The last stage known as dementia is when memory, thinking and behavioral problems have become so severe that the persons ability to function is hindered dramatically.
My grandmother was diagnosed at stage two, and she stayed at that same stage for about three years until it got worse. There is still not a cure for the disease, but there are many medications to prolong the cycle of this horrible disease. The main importance is to stay supportive, loving and understanding to whoever may have this illness.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Project Pregnancy

She faked her own pregnancy for six months, and wore a home-made prosthetic bulge made out of wire mesh and cotton quilt batting. Only a handful of people knew she was faking including her mother, boyfriend and her highschool principal.
The point of the experiment was to show everyone about the perception of a pregnant highschool student, and the stereotypes and rumors she had to face. The 16-year-old A student will share the results of her project in May.
This story sheds some light on the struggles young pregnant teens have to face when they are at school every day. If you were in the same situation would you want anyone judging you?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Student with no hands awarded for Penmanship
Fifth grader Nicholas Maxim was born without hands and limbs, but that didn't stop him from winning an award for his participation in Zaner-Bloser's 20th annual National Handwriting Contest.
With a can do attitude Nick walked up to the stage, and received a trophy during a school assembly in front of his family, friends and teachers for his excellent penmanship.
His story is inspirational to many, considering the tough odds he has overcome. To many of his friends he is no different than them. He can play football, soccer and write just like the rest of his friends.
He writes by clutching a pencil between his upper arms, and goes about every task the same way, tryinn hard at everything he does.
Zaner Bloser has now decided to create a new category in his honor, and the winner will receive the Nick Maxim trophy.
Many people all over the world with disabilities can look up to Nicholas Maxim, and not let their disability be a hindrance to them but rather a way to overcome and aspire the greatest obstacles in life.
With a can do attitude Nick walked up to the stage, and received a trophy during a school assembly in front of his family, friends and teachers for his excellent penmanship.
His story is inspirational to many, considering the tough odds he has overcome. To many of his friends he is no different than them. He can play football, soccer and write just like the rest of his friends.
He writes by clutching a pencil between his upper arms, and goes about every task the same way, tryinn hard at everything he does.
Zaner Bloser has now decided to create a new category in his honor, and the winner will receive the Nick Maxim trophy.
Many people all over the world with disabilities can look up to Nicholas Maxim, and not let their disability be a hindrance to them but rather a way to overcome and aspire the greatest obstacles in life.
Nicholas Maxim,
Zaner Bloser
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Oprah OUT Rosie O'Donnell IN

O'Donnell released a taped message to Harpo staff saying "Thank you, Oprah. And thank all you people there. Some of you are going to be sticking around to make a kick-ass show for the Oprah Winfrey Network."
There is also good news for Oprah's current Harpo staff who will go on to work on Rosie's show. O'Donnell told O Magazine that her new show will be less celebrity driven and will focus on one topic for an hour including everyday topics and issues such as relationships, health and weight.
Having her own show is nothing new to O'Donnell. Lets go back 15 years ago to the Rosie O'Donnell show where she graced six consecutive daytime Emmys for her show, which lasted from 1996 to 2002. O'Donnell also had a short lived stint on the view, which lasted only a year.
There's no doubt that O'Donnell has won Oprah over not only with the privilege to work on her world-wide famous stage, but she has won Oprah's trust and respect. Let's keep the cameras rolling as Rosie moves in this fall.
Oprah Winfrey Network,
Rosie O'Donnell
Thursday, March 10, 2011

The changes are being considered because of interchange fees. Currently every time you swipe your debit card, your bank charges the retailer 44 cents that it shares with its partners. Those fees add up to 16 billion dollars a year according to data from the Federal Reserve.
The Wall Street reform passed legislation last year that would lower the fees to 12 cents. The changes won't go into effect until July of 2011. Chase is already testing $3 dollar monthly fees on debit cards, and $15 fees on checking accounts in certain states. The bank has also announced that it has stopped issuing debit reward cards.
If a cap like this does make its way to consumer accounts then they would be forced to write checks, take money from ATM's or even to put money on their credit cards. The people who need the most help are the one's who will be hurt the most. People who have bad credit that commonly use their debit card will now have to abide by a $50 or $100 dollar cap limit. What do you think about the new changes?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Cell Phones and Brain Cell Activity

A new government funded study has found that the radiation given off just after 50 minutes of being on your phone increases the activity of brain cells. According to the study, phones that were turned off didn't create the same activity. This is the first time in any study where they looked specifically at how electromagnetic radiation from cell phones affects glucose metabolism, which is a normal function in the brain.
Basically more brain activity means that your cells are creating more energy. A number of health risks have long time been associated with the use of cell phones from the radiation. The Interphone project, coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer wants to put those rumors to rest after doing the largest study on cell phone use. It included subjects who used cell phones for ten years or longer. The project concluded that overall no increase risk was observed with the use of cell phones.
Although these studies conclude that cell phone use is in fact non hazardous to one's health, a person with brain damage who exposes his or her self to radiation could be triggering something dangerous says the lead study author, Nora Valkow.
cell phone use,
Interphone project,
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Lonely Hearts

The study was comprised of 93 adults. They found that people who say they're chronically lonely have an overexpression of genes connected to cells that produce an inflammatory response to cells. Long term inflammation eventually leads to cardiovascular disease and cancer.
According to the research done by UCLA researchers, there have been many studies done on the health affects from loneliness, but it is important to learn more about the biological mechanisms of these affects.
You might be wondering how does one prevent loneliness from occurring? According to many studies, it says that one should be active, and surround themselves with positive influences, and people who care about them. Don't be afraid to meet new people, and build connections with others. Whether you are single or living alone, it is vital to socialize. Laughing and having a good time has always been helpful for people who are feeling down or who just didn't have a good day.
Loneliness is a serious problem that many people deal with on a daily basis. If you know someone who is dealing with this problem, take time out and listen to them. Let them know you care. A few words can go a long way to someone who is suffering from loneliness.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
White Out
The blizzard of 2011 will definitely go down in history as one of the worst blizzards in Chicago history. People all around the city were rushing to get off work yesterday, but last night 600 to 900 people were stranded on Lake Shore drive after a series of car accidents. People began to leave their cars, and brace the blizzard, while the drivers who stayed in their cars were there for 12 hours. Chicago city officials made statements before and after the blizzard urging drivers to be cautious, to not leave their cars if they got stuck, and to avoid driving if possible.
The blizzard also brought with its wrath lighting, and thunder that knocked down power, leaving thousands of Chicagoans without electricity. According to CBS 2 in Chicago many roads were and still are closed due to the hazardous conditions. All public schools and city colleges were closed for the first time since 1999, when the city faced its last major blizzard. Chicago public schools will remain closed on Thursday as well.
Governor Pat Quinn issued more national guards to the state to help out with the snow clean up. There have been many reports of people helping eachother dig out their cars, and one lady provided food for the stranded motorists on Lake Shore drive last night.
Although there is no school in Chicago, that won't keep kids from going outside, where they were sledding and skiing on Lake Shore drive and at Grant Park. The side streets and alleys remain non drivable as city road crews focus on cleaning main roads.
Many people all over the country will remember where they were the day the horrendous blizzard hit. Time will tell how long it will take for streets and businesses to go back to normal.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
"We do big things" President Obama

The economy is on course for economic disaster if there is no serious action to gain control of the budget deficit. Many Americans have felt the financial burden for many years now due to the shaky economy. In response to President Obama's State of the Union address, House Budget Committee Chairman, Paul Ryan said spending cuts need to start immediately to increase the governments ability to borrow to pay its bills this upcoming spring.
President Obama addressed the necessary issues the country was waiting to hear such as emphasis on education and innovation to declaring the "era of big government" to be over. He also talked about security, and grounding the budget deficit through less spending.
Also, Republicans and Democrats were ordered in a different seating chart, where they sat together. The idea of the seating chart addresses the need for Democrats and Republicans to work together on the economy's problems.
According to online campaign tracking statistics, Obama has kept 124 of his campaign promises and has broken 38.
Obama closed the State of the Union address by stating "We do big things. The idea of America endures. Our destiny remains our choice. It is because of the people our future is hopeful, our journey goes forward, and the state of our union is strong."
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Round 2 of The Bachelor
Last night brought a wave of relief when Brad eliminated the two drama queens of the house. Best decision by far! The season would not be as enjoyable to watch with catty girls Melissa and Raichel constantly bickering at each other. And for the record, I would say after carefully watching the arguments of who-said-what, 32-year-old Melissa is the instigator. End of story.
But wait, a third person was also eliminated. Keltie the Radio City Rockette from Hollywood, Calif. was sent home and her on-the-spot interview was quite shocking and sad to hear. She said that she is the worst dater ever. That in fact, she should receive an Oscar for worst dater. Oh honey, don't ever put yourself down like that on national television. Keltie went on explaining that she is very awkward during dates and has not had any success with regular dating, set-ups or on-line dating. Not even dating within the work place has worked out for her. Well, duh for that last one. When does it ever work out when you're dating a co-worker?
That was all news to me because she seemed like a strong, confident woman. When she stepped out of the limousine the first night and kicked up her better-looking-than-Tina Turner leg, I was taken back. And as a plus, she's a Radio City Rockette. I would have never taken her for an insecure person as she sounded after elimination, while looking so glamorous in her evening attire. I would have liked her to have gone further in the show.
Photos and story by Olivia N. Castaneda
Friday, January 7, 2011
A Critique about abc's The Bachelor
Chantal O., executive assistant from Seattle, Wash., is the infamous woman who slapped Brad across the face in their first meeting. After the low blow- on the cheek- Brad said that 1) he deserved it and 2) he thinks he likes her already. Really?
First of, how dare the women on this show bad mouth Brad for what he did in season 11. I understand he broke two women's hearts, but hey, give the guy some credit for having been honest with his feelings about not being ready back then. Or would you rather have had him go through with the engagement, get married and then speak-up about his issues? Divorce is a lot messier and expensive, and I think he did the right thing about not proposing to anyone.
The women in this season's show should not be so hard on him. If he's back after three years of the therapy, I'm sure everything will work out. Open-up your ears ladies and listen to what the man is telling you. The past is history; no need to bring it up and cause drama. So what if he's broken a few hearts? Who hasn't been hurt or unintentionally hurt others?
This show is competitive so prepare for battle and know that love is a risk, in any relationship or situation. So grow up you girls and start acting like real women.
Photos and story by Olivia N. Castaneda
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Knowing What Your Dreams Mean

I often write down what my dreams were about, and try to decide for myself what they mean. But at times I can't contemplate their meanings. Dreams have been a mystery since the beginning of time. One can learn a lot from their dreams, if they let themselves do so.
Dreams are basically a way for the subconscious mind to warn or help you work through events in your life. So sometimes suppressed feelings that someone may have may come up in their dreams as a way to let them know that they need to express themselves or face a problem from their past or present.
One way to understand what your dreams mean is by remembering all of the dreams that you have. To do so, it's important to write them all down. According to a website called dreams go through several stages such as a movie, and in the end you get to see the final product. Make sure you are relaxed before you go to sleep, and pay close attention to an issue that is bothering you, but don't worry yourself too much because you will most likely not be able to fall asleep. Also, tell yourself that you will reme

After you wake up begin to see if you remembered your dream, and focus on certain themes that are occurring throughout your dream or dreams. A typical dream that occurs frequently in people's dreams are that of them flying. This dream in most cases is a result of something going right in someone's life whether it be an accomplishment or through a relationship. If you're feeling joyful or confident in the dream, then you're feeling as if things are going quite well for you in your life. Now if you're feeling fearful, then that means you are most likely afraid of challenges.
Remember the key to understanding your dreams is to recall the themes associated with your dreams, and to stay in the habit of writing your dreams down.
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