Stress among adults and teens has raised concerns for many health officials in last decade. Living in a technological world, where the media is constantly in our face on a 24/7 basis can increase our stress levels dramatically. According to a poll done on 1500 American adults in 2009, approximately half of them said they didn't use up all of their vacation days because of being a workaholic.
You may be wondering where am I going to get the money for a vacation, or how I am I going to find the time? Begin by saving up a little money at a time, and let your boss know early. Demand for a vacation don't ask.
A State University of New York survey found that men who took annual vacations reduced their risk of death by 20 percent, and men who didn't take any vacations in five years had the highest death rate, and risk of heart

Taking a vacation is good for the body, mind and the soul. It's a way to step back from your daily routines, and be able to relax, and look at life from a outsiders perspective. Also, detatching yourself from a regular environment can give you a new outlook on life, and boost your creative thinking. Have you ever heard the phrase "I just need to get away." Just getting away from where you live is really important, because detaching yourself from your home, and going to a different location creates excitement from discovering unknown territory. Not only is a vacation good for the body, mind and the soul but it is good to revamp relationships as well. It's a way to reconnect and revitalize relationships with your .
If this hasn't convinced you to take a vacation, I don't know what will. So start planning, and give yourself the vacation you deserve.
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