Here's a little more about the three-year probation Lohan violated. First there was the arrest on Memorial Day weekend in 2007 for a hit-and-run crash; then there was the arrest two months later for leading a chase in an SUV. In August 2007, she pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of being under the influence of cocaine; no contest to two counts of driving with a blood alcohol level over 0.08 and one count of reckless driving.

So she was sentenced to three years probation and still can't get it right. And to punish her and teach her a lesson she will serve only 14 days? Something's familiar here. That same isolated 12x8 cell that Lohan will have to put up with for two weeks was also inhabited by Paris Hilton ... for a lot shorter stay. In fact, the cell isn't the only thing the two celebrities have in common. Hilton's legal troubles were almost identical to Lohan's.
In September 2006, "The Simple Life" star was arrested on charges of drunk driving. In January 2007, she was sentenced to three years probation which she also later violated.

On Sunday, June 3, 2007, Hilton started what should have been a 45-day sentence. Instead, she walked out five days later on that Thursday. Why? "Medical considerations." From what I recall, her doctor was concerned because Hilton was "depressed" due to her circumstances. So she served the rest of her "sentence" at home wearing a monitoring bracelet. Okay. No one is doing cartwheels in jail. It's jail. It's not the Four Seasons!
I dare say that there is an obvious pattern. It seems that if you are wealthy, famous, and used to getting whatever you want on a whim, you shouldn't serve time in jail - at least not for any significant amount of time. It seems that this applies whether or not you drive drunk, engage in life-endangering high speed chases, snort cocaine, drive on a suspended license and violate court-ordered mandates.

What about a "regular" person? Do you think he/she will have to sit out the full sentence in jail? I think they will. Do you think that if he/she were to become depressed because jail just plain and simple SUCKS, he/she would be freed due to "medical considerations"? I think not. And can you imagine an inmate being secluded from the general population just because? I can't.
It's a joke. If celebrities have the gumption to do drugs, drive drunk, endanger lives repeatedly, they should have the gumption to serve the time. They are human like we all are. The only difference is that the world does not know the "regular" person; the regular person isn't popular, "attractive", wealthy or spoiled. That's it!! I guess Lohan can't separate fact from fiction, nor can the people swooning around these celebrities waiting on them hand and foot. This isn't "Mean Girls". This is real life and Life has consequences. So for goodness sakes, grow up, do your time, and get over it.

You've made your bed. Lie in it.
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