The heat waves hit close to home in America as many people noticed much warmer temperatures during the latter part of June. In Albuquerque, New Mexico temperatures rose about 10 to 15 degrees above average. Many cities across New Mexico reached above the 110 degree mark.
As for the month of July, weather forecasters have said we will be cooling down, because of cooler waters around the Equator which will lower temperatures on land.
But there are always precautions to make when the summer heat hits. Whether you work inside or outside make sure to drink plenty of liquids all day long, preferably water. Wear light clothing, and try to stay in the shade if you can. Always put on sun-screen, because many of us have had at least one painful sunburn and know how much it hurts. Putting on sunscreen is essential to protecting you from the sun's harmful UV rays. Not everyone has an air conditioner they can enjoy during the summer, so if you don't make sure to have plenty of air circulation, and buy a fan. The elderly need to be especially careful in the heat because they are more at risk for having heat strokes.
If you have to be out in the heat, make sure to take precautions. If not, enjoy the air conditioning. The heat is hard on people of all ages, and proper precautions could save you a trip to the ER because of a preventable heat stroke.
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