Temptations come in all shapes and sizes and could be former addictions (drinking, pornography), former lovers (ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends), bad habits or even potential new lovers (that cute, flirty girl at the coffee shop.) Whatever the struggle, there are several steps to dealing with temptations and how to fight them.
Identify the temptation(s) – Knowing where your weak spots are will help you protect them. Know if you’re longing for attention or if you’re in need of physical satisfaction. Being aware of your weak points will let you know if you should avoid that shoulder-to-cry-on cutie or miss hands-on-your-sore-shoulders.
Avoid them if possible – Temptations can always put a little doubt into your relationship focus but they can only do so much if you steer clear of them. If it’s someone other than your sweetheart who makes you feel the warm and fuzzies, stay away from them. If it’s someone other than your spouse who flirts with you and interests you, stay clear of this person as they can work those weak spots.
Strengthen your relationship – Weak spots and temptations can lead to love life damage if the relationship is weak itself. Do your best to strengthen your relationship emotionally and physically through communication, quality time together and a healthy sexual connection. As long as both of you are invested sincerely and strongly in your life together, temptations can try but they’ll fail.
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