Truth be told, SOME whites are afraid of this country being run by a black man. There, I said it. But it's masked, hiding behind all sorts of other excuses. "I don't like his policies;" "I think his health-care policies will kill old people;" "He's a socialist!" Do you even KNOW what a socialist is? "I want my country back!" say the people at town hall meetings. I ask, "Back from ... whom?" It suggests the current "owner" has stolen America from her rightful owners.

Then at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville, former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo told a crowd of 600 delegates that the ONLY reason that Obama won was because there is no literacy test before voting. In other words, people who were not properly educated or informed on American issues voted an undeserving man into office. I suppose that if the true representation of America had voted (because of course they didn't right?) McCain would be president?

Is Tancredo aware that literacy tests were used to prevent blacks in this country from voting? So now he wants to implement the same initiative because he doesn't like who the president is? Because he wants "certain" class and racial groups to vote "certain" types of presidents in? What is he afraid of? Tancredo went even further. He stated, "we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country" all because America "put a committed socialist idealogue in the White House ... Barack Hussein Obama." Take a listen and notice the ovation he receives after suggesting literacy tests.
Yeah, emphasizing his middle name really drives the point home, right? Oh, he's a Muslim! Let me see his birth certificate! Well, maybe he's not American! He's from Kenya!!! Anything will do, as long as we don't accept this black man as the President of the United States of America. Sorry guys, he IS 100% American; his middle name IS just that - a name; and his birth certificate IS valid - the man is an American.

Keith Olbermann of MSNBC is fed up, as I am. He does what so many can't - he bravely faces the REAL issue many want to pretend don't exist - RACISM. He made this special comment on his show, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" on Monday, February 15. Listen. Don't just hear it. LISTEN!
via videosift.com
At least during the civil rights era we knew what the motivation behind hate, violence, lies and manipulation was. In some ways that was less dangerous. When a dog charges at you, you know what to expect; you know what to defend yourself against.

But disguising that charging dog as a political leader standing behind a podium, speaking into the lens of a news camera, or rallying a town hall meeting into frenzied "patriotism", is dangerous because you don't expect it to bite. And when it does ... God help us all.
A lot to think about and very sobering. Not living in America and being away from the reality that exists, it is quite shocking really. The picture of the woman with the sign 'Impeach the Kenyan' says it all. You are not welcome. It really hit me hard in the stomach.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Keith Odor-man is not a reliable source to use in this topic. He's a liberal, and works for an uber-liberal network that ONLY caters to liberal ideology. They are not neutral on any issue, esp. race. Of course he would say conservatives are racist. Let's not minced words here, because conservatives are the target for the liberal media complex. I am a Hispanic male who happens to believe in conservatism. I understand fully how sensitive the issue of race is to Black America, esp. as it pertains to Pres. Barack Hussein Obama. I am sensitive to the issue, but I'm not going to cater to it, because my views of him are based on his policies, not his race. And thus far, he's been a miserable failure. Look at the polls! Gallup. Liberal poll shows his popularity sinking. CNN poll. Very liberal, and also show his popularity sinking.
ReplyDeleteWith regard to his birth certificate, there isn't any proof thus far that he was born outside the US. Birthers do take this far, I admit. However, I have raised this question, and I think it's a legitimate one, regarding his past, which we really don't know nothing about: If he were to apply for a position with the FBI who are know to do an extensive background check, will he pass? He will probably fail. We can't access his school records, like Presidents in the past. We know nothing about this guy, and that I think is why the honeymoon with this Pres. is over for the American people. I'm really fed up that liberals think we don't want Obama to be in office because of his race. For crying out loud, the People overwhelmingly voted for him IN office!! If this was such a racist country, do you really think he would of been voted into the most powerful office in the whole fuckin' world! Give me a break.
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ReplyDeleteDo not confuse Obama's being voted into office as a unanimous vote against racism. Just because he is a black president does not mean that this country does not still deal with racism. This isn't all or nothing. Yes he won by an overwhelming majority, but it says nothing about the others who DIDN'T vote him in. It's a free country so you could vote for whomever you chose. But that was not the point of my discussion. I'm asking about the response to him NOW. I am merely asking people to be honest about their motives when it comes to opposition.
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the people who says that you judge him based on his policies. Great. So do I. But don't for one second believe that 100 percent of the conservatives feel the same way! Some do, and some don't. Period. Glenn Beck has called him a racist on national television with no apology. I'm not even going to go there with Rush Limbaugh! Again I stress. Just because he is in office does NOT mean that America doesn't have race issues. She does! It's like saying, "I'm NOT racist! I have black friends!"
We just don't like to be called out on it, plain and simple. And we're a little more "civilized" about our feelings on race. Don't for one second think that I'm saying that ALL conservatives are wrong and that ALL liberals are right and that ALL of the people who oppose Obama are racist. I'm asking that we examine our motives, and be brave enough to ask, "Do any of these opposing camps raise their disapproval because of his race?"
Simple question.
ReplyDeleteDon't confuse Obama being voted in office as a vote agaist racism? Really??? My goodness, then what is it going to take to convince you otherwise? Do you not understand that we're not talking about the first black teacher, or the first black NFL coach, or the first black golfer. He's the P.O.T.U.S now! Of course, there are those who hold on to their idiotic racist ideology. White Supremacists, unfortunately, still exist. But I think MLK would agree we've come a long freakin' way. Why are we so focused on the pimples of this country (the blemishes) and blatanly ignore the tremedous progress we've made as a country as it pertains to race relations? You wanna call a spade a spade, Yari. Instead of reporting how "racist" those Tea Party white hicks are (and I agree with them for the most part, incidentaly) and how far the US has to go, why don't you point out a country that has the real problem with racism--Cuba. Cuba, to this day, has yet to elect a person of color in any high office. You don't hear Keith Odor-man talking about how racist Cuba is, right? No, all you hear on ABC, CBS, NBC, & CNN how those Tea Party hicks are so racist for protesting their disapproval of where this Administration is taking this country. Oh and FYI, the Tea Party folks have protested against Pelosi, Reid, and several congressman and senators...who are white.
Yeah, there's such a huge issue of racism in this country. Please! Surely, you're not suggesting the degree of racism then and now are the same? If you do, then I really don't know what to tell you. Racism then was brutal and deadly. Thank G-d we haven't experienced racism in that magnitude today. This country as a democratic republic voted for Obama, but you can't get over that fact. It is not enough. You want people to be happy, even if Obama is sending this country down the toilet. Sorry, Yari. That's not how it works here in the US. See, when Bush was in office, people hated that man for simply wiping his nose, and the media was all over him. Now that Obama is in office, and he's black, we're not allowed to voice our opposition without being called racists? This isn't the Soviet Union, Yari.
You asked, "Do any of these opposing camps raise their disapproval because of his race?" I'm going to tell you why your question is so biased, and why you learning to be a journalist the wrong way. See, by opposing camps, you mean those whom you've portrayed in those images above--white Tea Party conservatives. These are the same people your hero, Olbermann, enjoys to humiliate. Let me tell you why he represents the worse of the worse of what true journalism represents. This year, Harry Reid called Obama "light-skinned" and "with no Negro dialect." Heard of that story? Aside from googling it, my guess is no. The liberal media complex swept it under the rug and gave him a slap on the wrist because he has a "D" next to his name. Now, if he had an "R", Olbermann, and the rest of the hounds would have mercilessly attacked him to the point of his resignation. So you see, you can't ask me if these opposing camps disapprove of Obama because of his race without labeling me a racist, because you have singled out the Tea Party conservatives with your pictures. Harry Reid, I guess, gets a slap on the wrist from you as well. So, seeing is that I have an "R" on my voter ID card, I guess I'm a racist too.
You really need to stop taking my statements out of context. Yes, I heard of Harry Reid's comments (not from Googling, thank you) and I MADE a comment on that. I made a comment that we were seeing a double-standard in the reaction from the "Ds". Wrong is WRONG. Period. But you take this article and make judgement on my value system. I'm not so BIASED as YOU say that I can't call wrong wrong. Let's get some other facts straight.
ReplyDeleteOlbermann ... NOT my hero. There are SEVERAL issues he's raised that I don't support ... at all. So don't misconstrue this article as a full endorsement of Olbermann and his approach to certain issues. I agree on some and I disagree on others. To agree with EVERYTHING one group or person stands for IS biased, and that's not me.
Next, I KNOW that having a black president in America is a HUGE step. HUGE. It would be ridiculous to state otherwise, but again, taking my words out of context creates this all or nothing argument that is ridiculous. When I stated, "Don't confuse Obama being voted in office as a vote agaist racism," I was not at all saying that it's not a sign of the advancements this country has made. PLEASE!! This would NEVER have happened even 50 years ago! I was stating that we can't look at it an assume that we are in a post-Racial era - a term people were throwing around after he won - black and white people alike. Racism exists, and I am not claiming that it was as horrific as it was before. I'm merely saying, don't think it's all fine and good in that department. So trust me - I'm not "suggesting the degree of racism then and now is the same." This isn't all or nothing ... again. One can exist in the presence of the other. We HAVE come a long way regarding racism in this country, and my article is not stating that we haven't.
If I were to call out racism all across the globe, I'll be here all day. Trust me, I am aware of the global climate and what's going on. In that case, I could blog about my own nation - Trinidad. I could blog about Grenada, Haiti. I could blog about a lot; and I do. But don't confuse this ONE article as some sort of blanket judgement of what I'm concerned about.
Finally, it is laughable that you think that because of my stance on THIS issue that I think ALL republicans are racist! Wow! That would mean that I think that all democrats are simply right all the time! You underestimate me. Guess what? I'm not a "D." If you're willing to call yourself an "R", cool. But, I am not the type of person to place labels on myself like "Rs" or "Ds". It tends to make you - let's see, what's the word? Oh yeah ... Biased.
If you did in fact call out Harry Reid when he did say those comments, then all I can do is take your word for it and salute you. I don't know what other blogs or reports you have written besides this one. For that, you have my thanks and respect. If what you say is true, then you at least pointed out those who said nasty comments about the President's race from both sides of the aisle, not just the R's. I can only go by what I see and read, and when I read this blog, you singled out the Tea Party movement, like so many liberal media outlets like ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. And when you used Olbermann as your frontrunner to discuss this issue, in my opinion, you've unequivocally sided with those in the media who lambasted the Tea Party for being racists just because they've disagreed with how this Administration is running this country. I cannot stand it when folks do that, and unfortunately I cannot stand idle. So pardon me (truly) if you feel I've taken you out of context. All I can go by is what I read, and what I've read and seen is that the ONLY racists ones out there are those DEPICTED in your images above minus Harry Reid. It would of been different if both Mr. Reid and those you feel are racists in the Tea Party movement were included in your diatribe, but he wasn't. I think the liberal media instinctually goes for the proverbial jugular of the conservative movement in any way they can, but if one of their own, say Harry Reid, says something stupid and idiotic, mums the word! If we're going to point out "racism", let's call it out in all its forms--black and white, R and D, conservative and liberal. Unfortunately, the pessimist in me doesn't see that happening, so long as guys like Olbermann are calling Tea Party conservatives racists and not saying a damn thing about the Senate Majority Leader's comments. The playing field is not even, and that is why I'm thankfull for conservative talk radio. At least I get to hear the other side after being bombarded with so much left anti-american, anti-military, anti-family propaganda. For once, I just wanna hear someone in the media say something along these lines: "Yeah, I know we here in the US have our fair share of problems, who doesn't? We've had our darkest chapters, but we've had some bright ones too. In spite of it all, it's still the greatest country in history despite its shortcomings, because at least I still have freedom...to assemble, to speech, to worship as I please. Not so many in this world have that privledge. That's why so many want to flock here."
ReplyDeleteI posted something today, but it wasn't published. ???
ReplyDeleteAh, there it is. Discard the aforementioned, thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous, it is true that balance is critical to this country going forward. Like I said, right is right and wrong is wrong, whether it happens on the D or the R side, and we DO need to have a nice even playing field. Is it possible? An even playing field I mean? I don't know. And yes, this country IS great. It's why I flocked here myself!!