Well being that I've been natural for 5 years I can just tell you that it is the most freeing experience. Noooooo....I'm not bashing the sister's with relaxed hair. Everyone's hair experience, whether relaxed or natural, is different. What I've been noticing is more and more African American women wearing their hair natural. For so many years black women have been so uneducated about hair care. Whichever way you decide to rock your tresses you must take care of your hair.
Here's a little tip most people don't know so get ready.
Hair consists 90% of a biological polymer, α-keratin, and about 10% water, which modifies its mechanical properties. This α-helically coiled protein is further wound into supermolecular coiled-coil microfibrils, many of which are held together with a protein glue to form long macrofibrils, which are packed inside dead hair cells about 100 µm long by 3 µm across. Several of these associate to form one strand of hair, which is covered with tiny surface scales.
Hair that is outside of the scalp is dead. All of the shampoos and conditioners that contain vitamins and minerals serve no purpose for your hair or scalp. You can't make anything dead healthy. Think about it!! Shampoo and conditioner are not absorbed through your skin and who's going to drink shampoo and conditioner? HA!
There are some shampoos and conditioners that are pH balanced so they will assist in maintaining moisture and will also keep the hair clean.
When I went natural. I came home took some kitchen shears and chopped it all off. Now I don't recommend anyone do that go to a professional so that they can cut your hair properly, but for me it seemed right at the time. For all you natural hair-wearers the key is moisture and conditioner. Your hair is drier so it needs an agent to help ease some of the breakage. Also wrap your hair in a silk scarf when you go to sleep. Trust me! The cotton pillowcases are pulling more of your hair out than naturally should come out.
After researching to find the perfect conditioner I created my own.
3 teaspoons of Olive Oil
2 teaspoons of honey
1 teaspoon of a leave-in conditioner that works for you
A few drops of Rosemary Oil
2 teaspoons of Vegetable Glycerin (You can find it at your local health store)
I absolutely love this combo. It makes my hair super soft and moisturized so go forth all my naptural and relaxed queens and learn your hair type and what works for you!!
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