Contributing Writers: Chad Hunter, Yari, Alisa Perocevic, Margaret Lang, Flair TV, Olivia Castaneda, Ursula Fitzpatrick
Blackface was theatrical makeup used by whites in the 19 thcentury to portray blacks. Whites used burnt corn or black shoe polish to darken their faces and exaggerate their lips, depicting blacks in demeaning and humiliating stereotypes like “happy go-luck” darky and “coon.” That was Blackface’s context. That was never Tyra’s.
Her shoot celebrated the beauty of brown skin, mixed heritage and diverse cultures. Tyra showed the world how unique, how intriguing, how diverse black skin really is. Blackface? I don’t think so.
Thanks Tyra.
We’ve all done it in the car. Messing with the radio, getting way too involved in a song, dabbing on mascara, and yes, using the cell phone – all while driving.
But all that pales in comparison to the mother of all distractions, right? Texting while driving! Well, along with New Year resolutions, Illinois will ring in a texting-ban on January 1, and texting while driving will be illegal, as in 18 other states, like Connecticut and California.
Virginia Tech conducted a study measuring the length of time drivers took their eyes off the road to send or receive a text. Ready? Nearly five seconds –enough time to cover more than the length of a football field at about 55 mph.
But “Distraction” knows no boundaries. So, cut back on eating, don’t apply makeup, control the kids, and give the cell a break.
Basically, when driving, do one thing … Drive.